Friendships are probably the greatest things that could ever happen to a person. Having that special friend or maybe a group of them, to share memories with, laugh with and pour out your thoughts to is reassuring and comforting as well; knowing that you’re not alone and that people have your back brings some amount of joy to a person’s life.
Do friends fight? Obviously, they fight! However, like all other relationships: siblings, husbands and wives, they make up and they learn from their mistakes. Sometimes the friendship has to end because of what happened but that is okay also. However, the friend was not bad; he or she just did something you did not like.
Society tries to define a bad friend for us; that person mummy always says you should not be your friends. Now, that person is not a bad friend. The person maybe a bad influence, but he or she is not a bad friend. Even the worst person on this planet is a friend to someone.
Be careful though, when choosing a friend because friends do rub off on each other and I am sure we all want to be affected positively. Do not forget, a person is your friend or not and the definition of a friend is not changing anytime soon.
This is so true